Hey LightNiters! Welcome to our monthly Dev Blog where you will read about some of the progress we've made during September. Our ECS and Multiplayer systems are progressing consistently, and we've included some improvements in the store and landing page, and several backend enhancements to ease bug fixing and interaction with our users. Also, don't miss the new customised skins we've created with some of our collaborators' topics and aesthetics! Enjoy the read ?


Some UX improvements have been carried out during September. We have made the web platform onboarding process more intuitive and compelling. No more friction when getting started with Light Nite ?


Once you purchase the early-access, we have made easier the account registering process. We have designed this new web component taking into consideration mobile-tablet responsiveness.

LIGHT⚡NITE – Register

This onboarding process also comes with in-step validation, so in case the chosen username is already taken or you type an incorrect email address you are notified.

Landing Page

Now it's way easier to purchase the early-access directly from the first view of the landing page. We have allocated another buy-now button on top of the trailer video. We have also switched the video to the one we did with Blockstream, as we liked the footages more.

A cool effect of this button, is the stickman that appears when the mouse is around the button. Check it out below!

LIGHT⚡NITE – Landing page

We have made some design & content improvements in our landing page to include more documentation about required & recommended system requirement to run Light Nite in your desktop system.

It was an important section to cover in details to ensure our users the system requirements prior the early-access purchase.

LIGHT⚡NITE – Landing specs

In addition to this, we have also added the icons from Windows, Linux & Mac OS. So users now have more clue about the operative systems in which Light Nite is available.

LIGHT⚡NITE – Landing page

Customization Assets

We added a few new assets to the store. See below 6 unique new skins and packs customized for some of our  collaborators and clients. We hope you like them!

Crocodile Spy Character

With a crocodile head and limbs, bring terror to the battlefield. The character comes equipped with a spy hat and a hoodie.

LIGHT⚡NITE – Crocodile Spy

Bitcoin Runner Character

The character is wearing a bitcoin RUNNERS T-shirt and sun glasses. Inspired in a real athletics team supporting Bitcoin, the character looks best fit to play the long run in the arena!

LIGHT⚡NITE – Bitcoin Runner

Strike Collection

The collection includes two characters (Striker and Strikegirl), a sword, a backpack, and a hoverboard. The whole set with Zap's Strike lightning payment brand

LIGHT⚡NITE – Strike Assets

Giandalf Collection

This iconic character wears a wizard robe, hat, and shoes. The melee weapon is a wizard staff with a bitcoin on top. Our guest at Light Nite events program Giacomo Zucco was part of the inspiration and the first user to play with it!

LIGHT⚡NITE – Giandalf

Trezor Collection

The Trezor assets (Trezor Detective, Trezor Agent, Trezor Blaster, Trezor Backpack, and Trezor Hoverboard) are not new, but they weren't properly integrated into the game. Thanks to everyone who reported this, they are now integrated.

LIGHT⚡NITE – Trezor Assets

Binance -SAFU- Shield

Another old asset that was recently integrated. We still don't have the game mechanics to handle shields, so for now, the shield can be equipped like a backpack.

Map Expansion

The island is growing, and a new level will emerge from the sea!

We are designing a new area, with a different theme. In the game right now there is an island with a little portion of a military base, which we plan to expand gradually. But before that, we wanted to go forward and try a place, and a time, very different from what we have.

Something that gives us the opportunity to test brand new environments. But, oh, did I said to go forward? Maybe I meant backwards... Anyway, we are just still in the blockmesh phase so that will have to wait.

LIGHT⚡NITE – Map island

More translations available

New language translations have been added, with the game now available in Czech, German, English, French, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish and even Esperanto!

Thanks to our community translators for all the effort they've put into the translations.

If you want to become a part of the translation team, either to work on a new language translation, or complement an existing one, drop us a note on Discord.

Automated error reporting

We've integrated a tool to provide automated error reporting, so we can get more information about bugs and other problems that occur in the game, without the user having to explicitly capture the log and send us a report.

LIGHT⚡NITE – Cinematic screenshot

This only captures error exceptions that are actually thrown by the system, so logic problems are still an issue, but it's been a great help in comprehending some of the problems that are difficult to replicate in our own machines.

No sensitive data is being sent, only log data, stack traces and general system info.

DOTS technology

We've now started implementing the Data Oriented Technology Stack tech, which will power some of our systems, in order to provide best in class performance while enabling us to support worlds with millions of objects, dynamic loading and persistent modifications.

This technology relies heavily in the Entity Component Systems paradigm, a very optimized way of handling game logic, as well as multithreading, so that non-essential calculations (such as path-finding, dynamic loading, etc) don't affect the game's frame rate.

LIGHT⚡NITE – Cinematic screenshot

The state of the art Burst compiler allows crazy performance gains on CPU bound algorithms, which will be especially relevant for mobile and VR versions (coming in the far future).


Multiplayer development has begun, and while it is still in its infancy, we expect to have a (barely) working demo soon.

The current effort is implementing network replication of the game world's entities, so we're still taking baby steps here, but we'll get there eventually, one step at a time... ;)

This first version will be based on a peer to peer network architecture, but we'll eventually migrate to an authoritative server solution, although P2P might still be used in certain situations (e.g. local multiplayer).

LIGHT⚡NITE – Cinematic screenshot

Our MVC-based programming model allows us to abstract the network layer entirely, so that we can easily switch between different network architectures, providers, etc, without any impact on the business logic part of the code.